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3 Ways SaaS Companies can use Handwritten Notes to Level Up

I get it, you’re a high tech business. You rely on cloud services, study metrics and KPIs all day and automate as much of your team's workflow as possible. How could handwritten notes help you? Here’s three ways:

1. Generate more sales meetings

Starting sales conversations with prospects is difficult. Buyers are bombarded with emails, cold calls and LinkedIn messages from sales reps trying to get time on their calendar so they can sell them something.

If you use these channels, chances are you’ll get lost in the noise.

Handwritten notes allow you to jump the cue.

Simple question, how many pieces of mail do you get every day?

Compare that to the number of emails you receive.

Not even close right.

On top of the fact your note will actually get read, handwritten notes require more effort from the sender. This again helps to elevate you above everyone else trying to get their attention.

So next time you really want to land a meeting with a prospect. Send a note, not an email.

2. Recruit high quality candidates

It’s harder than ever to attract high quality candidates, especially in tech. Want to show a candidate you really care after an interview of a phone screen?

Send them a handwritten note right after meeting them to stay top of mind. The other companies they’re meeting with aren’t doing this.

You could even use a handwritten note to start the process of recruiting a high quality candidate from another company. Personal touch matters in the age of digital saturation.

3. Onboard customers in a memorable way

When a new customer signs up with you you want to get as many WOW moments with them as possible within the first few days of implementation.

What better way to show them you value their business than a handwritten note from your CEO thanking them for partnering with you.

There you go. 3 uses for handwritten notes that will help your SaaS business stand out from the rest.

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