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Why salespeople should be sending handwritten notes

Starting sales conversations with prospects is difficult. Buyers are bombarded with emails, cold calls and LinkedIn messages from sales reps trying to get time on their calendar so they can sell them something.

If you use these channels, chances are you’ll get lost in the noise.

Handwritten notes allow you to jump the cue.

Simple question, how many pieces of mail do you get every day?

Compare that to the number of emails you receive.

Not even close right.

On top of the fact your note will actually get read, handwritten notes require more effort from the sender. This again helps to elevate you above everyone else trying to get their attention. This is due to the law of reciprocity. It states that when we do something for someone (like putting a lot of effort into sending a handwritten note), the recipient is more likely to do something for us in return (like take a meeting).

So next time you really want to land a meeting with a prospect. Send a note, not an email.

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